In the classic 1942 film Casablanca, Bogie lifts up Bergman's chin and says "Here's lookin' at you, kid." This critter might be saying the same thing, but the purpose of the delivery's a wee bit different. The insect I noticed eyeing me on a hydrangea leaf appeared to be a gentle bumblebee, but this turns out to be a case of deliberately mistaken identity. What we have here is a Robber Fly of the genus Laphria, and any bumblebee that can't tell the difference between its own kind and the impostor might well be doomed. Laphrids are fierce predators, and if the mimic looks slightly evil, well, that impression is entirely correct. Bees and other potential prey that are slow on the uptake are likely to be pounced upon, injected with neurotoxins and digestive enzymes, and, once essentially liquified, slurped up by the fly. Thank God naturalists are not on the menu.