Invasive harvest

July 25, 2019  •  1 Comment

I know the standard line on invasive species is this: Eliminate Them. Typically, I agree, but then there's the Wineberry, an Asian relative of our native raspberries and an invader with the potential to form thickets that elbow out local species that actually belong here. Rubus phoenicolasius, imported as an ornamental in 1890, is a definite public enemy, but oh, those delicious and beautiful berries. I first learned to love them in the 1970s when we lived in Jamestown and had a Wineberry thicket across the street from our house. I've savored them ever since then and, over the past few years, I've taught my granddaughter Stasia how to harvest, eat, and adore this delicate fruit. Maybe if we ingest every berry R. phoenicolasius produces, we can hold its tendency to overspread in check.



At my former house and here, between the parking lot and Route 1, wild grapes still appear. don't know if they actually produce grapes, but I think they're native---?
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