Bring back the cat (birds)

May 17, 2020  •  Leave a Comment


Most birders spend May concentrating on spotting colorful birds, the various dazzling warblers in particular, and while I plead guilty to this charge, too, my searches entail far more species than those most striking to the eye. In fact, one of my favorite feathered critters is an utterly plain gray bird with a black crown. It's called the Gray Catbird, but not for any visual resemblance to a feline. Rather, it's the bird's voice, which is a good mimic of a rather annoyed meow. I've been hearing this "song" rising out of the dark underbrush for a couple of days, but the "singer" has remained stubbornly out of sight. This afternoon, the Catbird decided to show itself in a perfect position for a photo op, and as the charming, inquisitive, and almost friendly bird surveyed the yard from atop one of our cedar benches, it radiated a feeling of being completely at home. I wonder if it was an old friend from last year... or one of the kids born and raised in the neighborhood. Past resident or newcomer alike, catbirds are always welcome.


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