Determined confusion

May 08, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Oriole on RTH feederOriole on RTH feeder

This year, it looks like the Baltimore Orioles are going to hang around. They've been with us more or less constantly since their arrival a couple of days ago, and even though they're not supposed to be seed eaters, they seem to be taking full advantage of the sunflower seed feeder—although maybe they're only using it to display their dazzling plumage to any females in the area. The males, at least, also land on the suet feeder, but here, I know they're eating their fill of the fat of the land. I don't have any oranges for them—they're fruit eaters—and that specialty Oriole feeder is still on the to-buy list. However, when a male Oriole landed on the hummingbird feeder and edged his way down to the flowers, I realized it was time to head to the store. The big guy looked determined but confused, since he couldn't figure out a way to get to the sweet reward that experience told him flowers possess. No tutorial from a Ruby-throated Hummingbird was going to help. The Oriole would either need bill-modification surgery... or me to go feeder shopping.


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