
May 06, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Pine sap dropletPine sap droplet

After the rain departed, it remained chilly and windy—not at all a promising or inviting walking afternoon, but I needed to get in the miles so I went anyway. On the way back, as I was trekking past newly opening Shadbush and Highbush Blueberry blossoms, I noticed a glint in the woods and, curious, I followed the sparkle to see the source. Dangling off a White Pine was a suspended droplet of sap surrounded by several other smaller drops. I don't know how long it had been there; I don't know how long it will take for the droplet to fall to earth. Looking at it made me think about Carly Simon's big 1971 hit song, Anticipation—the one used in the Heinz ketchup commercial about the joys of waiting. If I were really patient, I'd set up camp by the pine and just wait patiently for resolution. But as I watched it, I thought of that Robert Frost poem about having "miles to go before I sleep." It was time to head home.


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