Rainy maiden

May 22, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Maidenhair fernMaidenhair fern

Under normal circumstances, today would have marked the start of summer... well, the unofficial beginning, as Memorial Day weekend has become known to all in our touristy region. But the weather on the kickoff promised to be dreary and cool, so it was probably for the best that all of the festivities had been called off due to the pandemic. We were going to have to celebrate on our own, and, no doubt, our festivities would involve working around the house and keeping tabs, in between the raindrops, on the garden and woodland plants and pollinators. The Maidenhair Fern we'd planted several years ago was definitely worth a look. It's now pretty tall and fully unfurled, and in the mist, the delicate leaflets and water droplets clinging to the dark stems are a photographer's dream target. Later on, the water would be useful in carrying the spores to new venues, but for now, they were simply exquisite natural jewels.



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