Grass fortunes

June 25, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Quack grass flower headQuack grass flower head

I have to admit something: this grass, which typically goes by the name Quackgrass, as well as, less commonly, couch grass, scutch, quitch, scotch, and creeping wild rye, may be one of my signature species of the early summer season, but I'm really in the minority of Elymus repens partisans. Most farmers hate the plant, a well-known invasive species that originally came from Europe and Africa, probably hidden in bales of hay. Now, it's pretty much everywhere in the meadow mix, and it excels at out-competing the more desirable pasture grasses. Attempts to the contrary, there's most likely no way to eliminate it, so I've just come to accept its presence, and even enjoy the plant, particularly its "shooting stars" flower and seed heads that appear in early summer and spend their brief period of floral glory combing the wind for pollen and trying to get lucky.


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