Halloween in July

July 22, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

The continuing intense heat and humidity, to say nothing of the persistent deer flies, have made walking something less than pleasurable, or even, all too many days, possible, so I've been doing most of my cardio-journeying on bicycle, which means I don't see as much as I do on foot. This is, of course, better for my heart, since I don't stop once I get up to speed, and I suppose it's also better for my brain, since it requires me to remember when I've discovered something that I need to go back and check out. So it was with this gorgeous dragonfly, which is known as a Halloween Pennant. Experience has trained me to start looking for these dainty odes around the middle of July, when they first begin to appear on the flower heads of the taller, stouter grasses, to which they cling like diminutive flags. That gives them the "pennant" name; the colors provide the reason for the "Halloween" designation. On my way home in the late afternoon, I spotted the first of these in a neighborhood's meadow; thankfully, when I walked back after switching my bike for a camera, the Pennants were still in place, blowing in the wind.


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