Swamp Azalea, Home
When Rhododendron viscosum, a.k.a. the Swamp Azalea, is in bloom, I normally have to journey to a nearby wetland to view it. That's not exactly a sacrifice, since there are plenty of other things I'd enjoy in the search for RV, which is also called the Swamp Honeysuckle, or, because of the sticky hairs on the tubes of its exquisite flowers, the "Clammy Azalea." But in the past several years, we've inadvertently taken one of these shrubs under our wing. For reasons we can't fathom, the plant took up residence in our garden, probably after having made a bird-induced jump from, well, a nearby wetland. It's now quite at home on the ridge, and when it blooms near the middle of July, you know it. RV smells heavenly. When I'm out there inhaling, I have plenty of company. The bees and hummingbirds share my favorable opinion.