Square deal

August 03, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

This diminutive insect—a real cutie, I'd say—appeared on various leaves and flower petals over the course of the day, and when I looked at my pictures, I figured that it would be easy to work my way through my copy of The Bees in Your Backyard and find the identity of the hymenopteran. Easy... no. After a couple of hours of looking through the must-have opus of Joe Wilson and Olivia Carril, followed by digital treks through a variety of websites, I decided to give up and write to Dr. Wilson. I've done this before, and, thank the Lord, he doesn't seem to mind. Scientists are typically wonderful that way. "The reason this [insect] is not in our book is because this is a wasp," Joe replied gently, without even the slightest implication that I was an idiot. My error, in fact, was easily understandable since the creature was "a member of the group of wasps most closely related to bees, in fact evolutionarily bees fit inside this group of wasps," which are known as Crabronidae, or, I would learn, the Square-headed Wasps. Joe thought my 'square head"—the wasp, not the observer—belonged in the genus Ectemnius. After my own search, I had to agree.


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