Covered in white

February 04, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Trees coated with snowTrees coated with snow

Despite considerable hyperbolic forecasting that called for as much as a foot of snow, we wound up with, at most, a few inches. It wasn't dry snow, as it had been during the previous storms, and because it started out as mist then pelted down sticky, it clung to everything, including the wires. The power went out the previous night for a couple of hours—just after I'd finished shoveling and couldn't take a much-needed shower—but the electricity eventually came back on, and by morning, I was greeted by one of those truly beautiful, classic New England scenes: a study in black and backlit white, as the sun filtered through snowy branches. I walked outside, shot quick, then came back indoors to get ready for a long research trip to New Haven. I was glad I didn't put off photography until my return in the late afternoon. By then, the wind had blown the branches clean.


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