Ice-coated polypody fern
The latest storm, which started just after midnight, was called Nika, and this one was touted as the worst of them all. Somewhere, I'm sure, it was... but here, we tallied four inches of snow, followed by an inch of sleet, then a grim, gray rain, sometimes freezing, sometimes just wet. This kind of weather, which is all too frequent around here, is the result of living fairly close to the coast. At least the lights didn't go out, and at least the moisture rehydrated the Polypody ferns, which had folded and minimized themselves in the cold. This one unfurled but then was encased in a thin layer of ice: captured in that position just as surely as if it had been photographed. With a little bit of sunshine and warm, the fern will relax. The image, however, will keep it icebound forever... well, as long as my photons last.