orb-web spider
I've always been a big fan of spiders, but this enjoyment hasn't translated into become an expert in the identification department. Part of the reason is that determining the identity of members of the arachnid order Araneae requires complicated dissections on preserved specimens, and I no longer have deft fingers. I also just don't like killing things, even if it's for science. This beautiful insect, however, was pretty easy to get down to species. I found it between the branches of a Beech tree, and, from the shape of the web, it was clearly an Orb Weaver. From the complicated hieroglyphic pattern on its abdomen, I guessed it was a female Marbled Orb Weaver (Araneus marmoreus). The clincher was when I attempted to take a closeup with my trusty old Nikkor micro lens. After a few shots, the lady spooked and raced up the web to safety, hiding in a folded-over leaf. According to information gleaned from Penn State, this is just what members of A. marmoreus are supposed to do, so I think I can safely put the species on my spider life-list—and not have to end any lives to do so.