first good dragonhunter
The Dragonhunters, those huge—they're our largest clubtailed odonate—nightmares, have started patrolling the pools and stream below the millpond waterfall, and when I started to notice them a few days ago, I made it my mission to get good pictures. They have not been, however, cooperative—until this afternoon. This gaudy and gorgeous male landed just a few feet from me, and if this were a celebrity, I'd figure I was in on a well-staged photo op. But no PR agency was involved. I just got lucky and wound up in the right place as Hagenius brevistylus decided to take a brief rest from its important business: hunting other dragonflies and finding a suitable mate. I'm told by the various field guides that Dragonhunters are reasonably common in forested streams throughout our area, but the creek below the millpond is the only place I've ever seen these magnificent insects. Maybe I just need to expand my viewing horizons, but for now, I'll stick to a reliable and productive spot close to home.