Tree peony, home
When I was a lot younger, I had aspirations of creating fabulous gardens. I certainly possessed the will and the strength, and after considerable study, I possessed something close to the requisite knowledge. What I didn't have, of course, was the money. I thought I could make up for the definite lack of fortune with patience by growing everything from seeds and cuttings and cast-offs, but, because I also lacked a refined design sense, well, what I got was a hodge-podge that could charitably be called the "cottage garden" look. So be it. With any luck you learn to love what you have, and every May, I fall in love with my Tree Peonies. While my too-expensive tastes had once pointed me in the direction of fabulously expensive varieties of these fabulous plants imported from the Orient, reality pointed me to Agway, where I could afford to buy Tree Peony varieties that bore the name of "White" or "Red." These are not bad for a garden plant with no pedigree. Then again, I have no special pedigree, either, so it all worked out.