Incoming storm

July 22, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Incoming storm, PalmersIncoming storm, Palmers

After yet another hot, humid day, the forecast, if it ever can be believed anymore, called for severe thunderstorms after dark and a break in the heat wave. Sure enough, an hour or so post-sunset, thunder was rolling over the ridge and when I went out to see what might be approaching, I noticed vivid flashes of lightning coming from a huge thunderhead in the north. Sadly, this meant that any storm would likely miss us, but it also meant that I just might have the perfect conditions for photographing lightning bolts without having to worry about getting electrocuted—or soaked. So I grabbed my gear and set up shop alongside the corn field road. Capturing natural electricity is something of a crap shoot, so I aimed my lens at the storm clouds and shot a series of five-second time exposures in the hope that maybe one of them would work. Alas, nothing went quite right, and every image turned out a little fuzzy and soft. OK for Impressionism, but I'll have to hope for other storms so I can try again.


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