Jabba the Frog

July 21, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Jabba the Frog, home porch railJabba the Frog, home porch rail

I was looking out the kitchen door in preparation for a trek when I noticed something gray and strange on the porch rail. It was small and squat: a mini-version of Jabba the Hutt. When I got closer, I could see that it was definitely amphibial—a Gray Tree Frog. Why it decided to take over the railing was beyond me, but the handsome creature, perhaps newly returned from its journey to the breeding ponds a mile north, was quite content to hang out and wait for insect bounty to pass by close enough for the creature to ingest. It paid me no heed as I photographed it, first from a distance, and then, close up. I went walking and when I returned, it was still there, although it had moved a few inches out of the sunlight and into the shade. It was a fine "pet" to have around.


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