Happy National Trails Day!

June 03, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

After lots of preparation, I arrived at the Avalonia Land Conservancy's Benedict Benson Preserve, my weekly home-away-from-home hiking venue, in anticipation of the guided walk I'd be leading for Connecticut's National Trails Day celebration. I'm always nervous at such times, since I never really know in advance who's going to show up. (I asked for, but did not require, an RSVP, but I only received one, so I was prepared for a very small crowd.) And to make matters even more anxious, there was plenty of competition—several other Trails Day events at the same time in the area, along with the town's annual all-day, North-Stonington-wide yard sale—and the weather was iffy, despite last night's forecast that had us in the clear. So I was really heartened when the first of a number of cars showed up, and when I'd finished my introductions and hit the trail, I had more than a dozen followers. It was a fine group, and we were joking, en route, that we probably set the record that year for the largest age spread, from the four-month-old in tow to the wonderful donors of the refuge, Brad and Mimi Borden (on the right), who are, well, considerably older. I'm sure we also set a record for slowness, but we had a ball, we saw lots of intriguing plants and animals, and I think we may have helped the three youngsters that came with us experience genuine delight in the natural world.


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