Double lucky

June 02, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I wrote all day, and each time I thought about taking a break for a hike, the abundant sunshine gave way to a heavy thunderstorm. There were at least three lines of storms that rumbled around the neighborhood, but none of them made a direct hit. Toward the end of the afternoon, I thought the parent front had finally passed by, and, since time was short, I opted for a fast bike ride in what I guessed would be fine sunshine. I guessed wrong. Just about halfway through my pedal, there was more thunder and, this time, plentiful rain. I could have taken refuge in any number of buildings along my route, but it wasn't particularly cold, so I just kept riding, the physical effort warding off incipient shivering. At the three-quarters-done mark, the sun came back out, fairly low on the western horizon. I figured, with rain still coming down nearby, there had to be a rainbow somewhere. When I finally biked past a more open eastern field, I was graced with the rarest of the rare: a double rainbow. All I had with me to capture the exquisite scene was my little waterproof Fuji. It was more than equal to the task, although I should have cleaned the lens before I started shooting. Water droplets notwithstanding, I was blessed with a gorgeous, doubly lucky sight.


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