Life's a beech... fern

June 01, 2017  •  1 Comment

The damp dreariness continues, but I'm in the preparation phase for an upcoming National Trails Day public walk that I'll be leading soon at the Benedict Benson Preserve, so, untoward weather or not, I needed to hike and get ready. There were, of course, bird calls to record and master, wildflowers to identify and log, stream insects to make note of—where, oh where, are the odonates?—and all manner of fauna and flora to cram into my cerebral data base and, when someone in the group spots something interesting, retrieve from the hard drive. This fern was certainly grist for the intriguing mill. I knew it was a kind of Beech Fern, for it had the group's characteristic wings on the stem, but, until I returned home, I couldn't be sure which species it belonged to. While Beech Ferns aren't exactly rare, this was the first one I'd seen at Benson, and a quick scan turned up few others, so I didn't want to hazard collecting the plant. Fortunately, my photo documentation proved sufficient for taxonomy, and when it became clear that it had wings on the bottom pair of leaves, I had my identification: Broad Beech Fern... a nice discovery, and a nice plant to share with the hikers.


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