I spotted this tiny, spiny bug on the petal of a Black-eyed Susan that was growing on the roadside near the house, and, it just so happened, I was walking with my 85mm Micro lens affixed to the dSLR. This was a good thing, because without that set-up, I'd never have been able to "capture" the critter, which was about the size of a fingernail. Alas, I wasn't able to capture enough of it to manage a positive identification, but this didn't really cause me to lose any sleep, since, even with a photograph that revealed every imaginable detail, I wasn't likely to pull off an ID. True bugs, a.k.a. members of the insect order Hemiptera, are a challenge for experts, and I'm, most definitely, in the amateur class. Worse still, this sharp-featured hemipteran appears to be a youngster... a nymph... and those pose a harder challenge still. Some things just have to remain uncertain, and I'll certainly content myself with a spiny mystery.