I don't have a dog, but periodically, my neighbors go on vacation and I get to take care of their wonderful pooch, Freda. Early this morning, she and I were out for our daybreak walk, and as we ventured down a woodland path, I heard lots of annoyed birds and spotted something large rise out of the area around the stream I'd named for my son Noah. Freda took note, too, and strained at her leash while I maneuvered her, as delicately as possible, in the direction the bird had flown. Great good luck was surely with me, because not only did we get quite close without spooking the critter, which turned out to be a young Barred Owl, but I also had my camera, equipped with my stalwart 55-200mm telephoto zoom lens, with me. The Barred was as unexpectedly cooperative as the dog, and though the wise, old bird flew when we got too close, it landed nearby and even, though I didn't get good shots, decided to take a bath in one of the Noah-sized stream's numerous pools. The songbirds that kept the owl under close scrutiny kept up their scolding attempts to send it elsewhere, but for a few blessed camera minutes, the bird held its ground, its natural bathtub, and its perch in several different places. I managed to hold Freda still with one hand and shoot with the other.