Now nesting

March 27, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

This is pretty embarrassing: a few days ago, in the post that featured a photo—rather dramatic, if I do say so myself—of a Red-shouldered Hawk in flight, I made reference to how the raptor was soaring over a Great Horned Owl nest, possibly to check out the competition. I'm guessing that readers might have found that post a little bit confusing, as in: "What GHO nest?" Mea culpa—I meant to include an actual image of a nest I discovered recently before I wrote about the Red-shouldered flyover, but for reasons that utterly escape me, I didn't get the appearance order of the pictures right. Anyway, here's the shot of the GHO nest I meant to post first, a very happy, chance finding of a nursery that just happens to be right across the street from my house. Given the amount of nightly hooting we've enjoyed, I figured there had to be a nest somewhere in the neighborhood, but this one, well within telephoto range, was joy unbidden, since I'll have an almost window view of the owl's progress. Mama is no doubt on eggs, but there doesn't seem to be any sign of hatchlings yet. When I spot them, I'll spread the news... this time, in the proper order!


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