I had hoped to take Stasia blueberry-picking at one of several potential terrific places, but the heat, humidity, and bugs have kept her from giving that kind of expedition the thumb's-up. But I remembered a "fruitful" Plan B, so I shifted my focus and we tried something close to the air-conditioned Prius. Right by the parking area of the Assekonk Swamp trailhead, I remembered that patch of Wineberries I'd discovered during numerous trips with the Wheeler Middle School sixth-graders, and I suspected the fruit—assuming there was any—should just about be prime. Good guess: we could see the luscious burgundy-colored berries—the color gives the fruit its common name, not its potential for wine-making—from the car window, and we didn't have to travel far to fill the container we'd brought. Stasia was already a raspberry fan, and it didn't take too much prodding to make her a Wineberry fancier. They're an invasive species, of course, but not all invaders need to be completely repulsed.