A touch of garden gold

July 03, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Long-legged fly, HomeLong-legged fly, Home

This is another instance of what I'd call the Dorothy Syndrome, as in, from the Wizard of Oz, "there's no place like home." (Repeat three times.) I like to think that, every day, I'll get out into the natural world and hike and explore. Many days that happens, but, all too often it seems, I'm confined to quarters. Happily, there's plenty to see that's more or less natural, to say nothing of intriguing. This little golden fly is a perfect example... and a goad, since I'm been seeing these for more than a month and have, until today, resisted looking them up. Turns out they belong in the fly family Dolichopodidae and they're probably members of the genus Condylostylus. By whatever name, they're pure gold, metaphorically, at least.


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