Natural fireworks

July 04, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

This just might be the strangest Fourth of July of my entire life. For starters, it just didn't feel like a holiday, what with no parades, no barbecues at the lake, and, of course, no fireworks. Still, I tried to be creative, and so, when I spotted this scene in the garden, the hydrangea flowers became pyrotechnical streamers and the pretty bumble bee, which I think is none other than Bombus perplexus—the perplexing part is a reference to the bee's wide color and pattern variations—was the centerpiece of a splendid explosion. With a little imagination, this became the aerial tableau I was sorely wishing for. All that was missing was the explosion, the smoke, and the oohs and aahs. Well, and the traffic jam after the finale.


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